“It felt like a good fit,” says Andy Weinstein on his decision to join Reach’s Board of Directors in 2005. He stumbled upon Reach when a co-worker directed him to the website MAP for nonprofits, which pairs skilled individuals with board opportunities. Andy explains that he was drawn to Reach because it is not only located in the western suburbs, where he had grown up, but it also supports a cause dear to his heart. Andy’s mother was a special education teacher for the Hopkins School District and worked with individuals with disabilities.

Soon after beginning his board tenure, Andy attended the annual Ghostly Gala. “That solidified my decision,” he says, sharing how Reach’s events fill a critical role in the community by providing quality programs for individuals. He also stresses the variety of services that Reach offers and notes that Reach should particularly feel proud of helping others “gain a level of independence and live a fuller life.”

​​​Andy’s own life is full as well, with a young family and a career in finance for the Minnesota Twins organization. Yet, he has remained loyal to Reach for the past dozen years. Most recently, his role on the board has been as treasurer—one that has tapped into his financial expertise. He has enjoyed the challenge of helping Reach build programs that are able to be increasingly less reliant on public funding.

However, Andy has determined that it is time to allow a new member to bring in some fresh ideas to that position. Fortunately for Reach, he will remain on the board. His passion for giving back remains as strong as ever, and his respect for Reacj and its staff is unwavering. “I’m so impressed with what the talented staff members do and how dedicated they are to serving our clients.”

Andy, Reach can say the same of you. Your 12 years of service have been instrumental, and we thank you wholeheartedly for the time, talent, and generosity you’ve shared so far. You’ve been a fantastic fit!