952-200-3030 [email protected]

Board of Directors

David Erickson Reach Board of Directors

David Erickson, Chair

David Erickson joined Reach’s board of directors in October 2018. He is a Principal Project Manager with HealthPartners and Owner of Stub Enterprises, Inc., which provides small business and nonprofit consulting services. David chose to serve on the board to “be part of the an organization delivering critical services to our community and to be part of Reach’s future growth.”


Cody Holliday

Cody Holliday, Deputy Chair

Cody joined the board in December 2021. He has spent more than a decade working in and around the Minnesota State Capitol and currently he works as a lobbyist within the Government Relations group at Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. His policy work is primarily focused in the area of health and human services. Cody is passionate about advocacy and hopes to use the knowledge and relationships that he has built at the Capitol to aid Reach in their own advocacy efforts.

Anna Hulstein

Anna Hulstein, Treasurer

Anna joined the board of directors in June 2021. She is a Business Solutions Partner working in the Financial Planning & Analysis department at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. Anna has family members with developmental disabilities and has experienced first hand how the types of services Reach provides impacts individuals and their positive outlook on life. She is passionate about helping people live independently and to their full potential. Anna is excited to use her business acumen to help Reach for Resources deliver its mission and vision to the people they serve.

Patrick Boley

Patrick Boley is an attorney at Eckberg Lammers in their Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate practice area. Patrick obtained his LL.M. (Master of Law) in Taxation and a Certificate of Estate Planning from Georgetown University. He has more than 18 years of experience in legal practice. Patrick has been on our board of directors since January 2017, and has been involved with the organization since 2006.

Peter N. Thompson photo

Peter N. Thompson

Peter joined the board in April 2022. He was a professor and dean at the Hamline University School of Law where he was selected as one of the “150 Lives that Make a Difference.” He has written a treatise on Minnesota Evidence and has co- authored books on mediation, class action suits and courtroom practice. He serves as an arbitrator for AAA and FINRA. Peter was a founding Board Member of the Peace Foundation in North Minneapolis and the Founding Chair of the Grief Club of Minnesota. He served as President of the Board at ResourceWest in Hopkins and Personnel Director at the Wayzata Community Church. Peter volunteers with the IOCP Neighborhood Program, Hammer’s Adopt a Hammer House, Families Moving Forward and Loaves and Fishes. He has nine grandchildren and is a full-time spectator at hockey, soccer, choir, basketball, track, swimming and baseball events.

Dandy Leizens

Dandy Leizens

Dandy joined the board in September 2022 and is a Product Manager for Boston Scientific. Her expertise focuses on conducting analysis and strategies by compiling data to enrich databases and drive strategies for new businesses. Dandy loves helping people in need and giving back to the community that nurtured her growth. She is excited to offer her skillset to join the journey with Reach to support its mission and help them reach more people in need.

Janet Rebman Lillevold of Rebman Lillevold Consulting, LLC Reach for Resources Board Member.

Janet Rebman Lillevold

Janet joined the board in February 2024. She has spent 25+ years working as a senior leader in organizations ranging from managed care to senior living. She is currently the owner and principal business advisor at Rebman Lillevold Consulting, LLC, which focuses on taking businesses from current to desired state in strategy and operations. Janet is passionate about helping others, is very active in volunteering, and has served on various nonprofit boards over the past 20 years.

Tanner Schafer Reach for Resources Board of Directors

Tanner Schafer

Tanner joined the board in February 2024. He has been actively involved in advocacy for public policy changes since middle school. It has allowed him to develop a deep understanding of how state and local policies directly impact people and nonprofits. Tanner has been an Executive Director for an LLC and is currently pursuing a Master of Public Administration (MPA) at St. Cloud State University with career ambitions in Minnesota state politics and policy. The Executive Director of the MPA program has described Tanner as a student leader for his work getting students interested in local and or state politics and policy. 

Michelle Veith, board member at Reach for Resources

Michelle Veith

Michelle joined the board in May 2024. She is the parent of a daughter with developmental disabilities and brings 40+ years of first-hand experiences gained in this journey. Michelle served over 22 years as the executive director of TRAIL, a nonprofit providing subsidized transportation to adaptive programs for adults with developmental disabilities. She continues to teach adaptive art classes through community education. Michelle is excited to empower Reach’s clients and staff to reach their full potential.

We are accepting board member applications. If you or someone you know is interested in knowing more, review the position description and contact Kate at .