by Kate Bottiger | Jan 15, 2020 | Features, Uncategorized
Perhaps nothing says “independence” better than moving into your own house. One married couple Reach supports did just that this past summer. John and Ashley now call a charming two-story home in Richfield theirs, happy to be owners rather than renters, as they were...
by Kate Bottiger | Dec 18, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
Smiling, he says, “Yep, I’ve trained him in.” The speaker in this case, was not one of our Reach staff members, referring to someone receiving our services, but the other way around. The service recipient had recently been reassigned to a new staff member, and was...
by Kate Bottiger | Nov 14, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
We at Reach often refer to the “individuals we support.” What has not gone unnoticed, though, is the ripple effect of some of these same individuals who are also supporting other individuals by volunteering in the community. Misha helps with meals at the food shelf...
by Kate Bottiger | Nov 14, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
Hennepin County awarded Reach for Resources, Inc. (Reach), with 2019 Wellness by Design Awards on November 7, during a ceremony at the Maple Grove Community Center. The award recognizes organizations that make employee health a priority through creative and effective...
by Kate Bottiger | Oct 18, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
Some might consider Gary Johnson to be a living Reach for Resources history book. Gary began his association with us back in 1983, just a few years after our organization opened its doors. Since then, Gary has walked through many different doors to stay involved with...
by Kate Bottiger | Sep 18, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
Whether she’s assembling booklets, cutting paper, preparing tickets, gluing crafts, or helping with other tasks, Jill Hatcher brings joy to her job at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community, located in Wayzata. Baptized at this parish, Jill has dedicated almost 30...