by Kate Bottiger | Aug 22, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
By: Kaiti Reid, Adaptive Recreation and Inclusion Program Manager “Hello, friend!” Isaiah exclaims as a familiar face enters the room. Each person who joins our group is greeted the same way, with a warm welcome and “hello.” I am sure Isaiah and others would agree;...
by Kate Bottiger | Aug 16, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
“Everything is easier with a little support,” says Reach employee Maddie Moran. Maddie had been with Reach in the Independent Living Support Services Department since May 2018. She is now taking on a new role as our Housing Support Coordinator to help Reach launch...
by Kate Bottiger | Jul 31, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
One trait Tiara Hodges has an abundance of is motivation. During the past two years of working with Reach and staff member Margaret, Tiara has earned her driver’s license, moved to a new apartment, completed a full-time, eight-month Job Corps program, passed her...
by Kate Bottiger | Jul 18, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
Recently, Minnesota revised its model of employment services for individuals with disabilities, distinguishing three types of employment services for people using home and community-based services (HCBS) waivers: Employment Exploration allows people to take part in...
by Kate Bottiger | Jun 28, 2019 | Features, Uncategorized
For both Mitch and Kassi, it was the other person’s eyes that initially captured their attention. As they met for the first time at one of Reach’s Empowerment Group sessions in January 2014, the group leader told Kassi that Mitch has “a heart of gold.” That very heart...
by Kate Bottiger | Jun 18, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
Everyone likes a little vacation now and then…including the individuals who participate in our Weekend Ventures Program. However, Weekend Ventures is more than just an opportunity for attendees to get some time away. This important respite program also benefits the...