952-200-3030 [email protected]

The Importance of Corporate Sponsorships

By Michelle Tikalsy  “A brand is the most valuable thing a corporation has,” said Jason Skoog, the Development Officer at Reach for Resources. Having corporate support is important for a nonprofit organization. Skoog said it adds legitimacy to the work nonprofits do...

Discovering and Achieving Dreams

By Sydney Urban Ask Margaret Nyoike how she’s doing, and the response will usually be “blessed.” This simple but meaningful response captures the attitude Margaret portrays in her job at Reach for Resources. As a Community Living Specialist at Reach for almost two...

Awareness Challenge 2018

Record an Interaction Help us tell 2,018 new people about Reach in 2018! ​Tell someone who is not already familiar with Reach about what we do. It might look something like this: The next time you go to the grocery store, ask the cashier if he or she has heard of...