Whether she’s assembling booklets, cutting paper, preparing tickets, gluing crafts, or helping with other tasks, Jill Hatcher brings joy to her job at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community, located in Wayzata. Baptized at this parish, Jill has dedicated almost 30 years of service as an office assistant for both the Faith Formation Program and the preschool/kindergarten classrooms. “[This] job is the place for me,” Jill definitively says.

Jill helping to assemble binders
Co-worker Theresa Reichert remembers when she, herself, began at the parish four years ago, Jill was often helping her understand what to do and where to find materials. “She’s a hard worker and friendly, and she has a good sense of humor,” says Theresa of Jill, who can’t deny the last trait. “I like to tease,” she says with a twinkle in her eye. Even the parish pastor is not immune to Jill’s playful comments.
Jill stays busy at Holy Name of Jesus two days each week. During the other three week days, she volunteers at Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners (IOCP), with assistance from Reach staff member Naomi. Together, they sort clothes and shelve food. Naomi explains that during just the past year, she has seen Jill gain more confidence in her skills so that Jill can more comfortably offer assistance. Theresa sees that same quality, saying that Jill is more than happy to ask if anyone needs help.
When Jill is not working or volunteering, she actively attends her nieces’ and nephews’ sporting events and travels with family members. But don’t assume she’s gearing up for retirement anytime soon. She plans to remain in her current position “until they send me out the door.” Theresa is quick to point out that there are no plans to do any such thing. “Jill is a wonderful asset and irreplaceable.”