952-200-3030 [email protected]

Waiver Case Management

Reach’s case managers are the bridge that connects you to the services needed to live a full life. They are dedicated to creating a Community Services Support Plan that is the best reflection of the goals you would like to accomplish. Our case managers will work with individuals, their families and current providers to create a person-centered service plan based on an individual’s needs and preferences within the guidelines of their waiver. In addition, case managers will complete assessments, inform the treatment team of service options, identify service providers, while evaluating and monitoring services. Case managers will also advocate on behalf of the individual, and assist with researching and accessing additional resources. Click here to download department flyer.

Our department’s main goals:

  • To be person-centered
  • To encourage self-determination
  • To optimize independence in all areas of life
  • To encourage supported decision making
  • To help every individual reach their goals in life
  • We strive for a focus on integrated, community-based employment and housing

Waiver types we serve with case management:

  • BI
  • CADI
  • DD Waiver

Waiver types we do not work with at this time:

  • AC
  • CAC
  • EW
  • Non-waiver

For questions, please contact:

Nathan Orr
Director of Waiver Case Management
Phone: 952-688-6323
[email protected]