952-200-3030 [email protected]

Employment Services

The Employment Services Department works in cooperation with different employers to provide a positive experience for people with disabilities within the community. This program can provide resume assistance, vocational assessments, support with placements, job searching, on-site training and job coaching. Click here to download the employment flyer. 

Employment Services can be funded through waiver, county funding and VRS.

For more information, please contact Marcus Skallman at 952-564-4258 or [email protected].
Click here to make a referral.

Have a question about our 245D Community Living policies & procedures? Click here to learn more.

Discovery Based Services

Discovery is the foundation of Customized Employment. It is a proven evidence-based practice that improves employment outcomes for youth and adults with disabilities. Discovery opens doors to employment for people who experience barriers to employment. The Discovery process enables youth and adults with disabilities and others to find a job that is a good fit with an employer who values and needs the talents they have to offer.

Customized Employment (CE)

Customized Employment is an approach to hiring, retention and return to work that matches a job seeker’s strengths, the conditions under which they will be successful and their interests to the needs of an employer. It can bring people from diverse populations, including those with disabilities, into the workplace to contribute their talents to meet critical business needs. CE utilizes an individualized approach to employment planning and job development — one person at a time and one employer at a time. Because CE jobs are a good fit for the person and the employer, there is greater employee satisfaction and productivity, resulting in enhanced retention and profitability for employers.

Follow Up Support Services

What it is

• Individualized support for each person
• Can assist with training and orientation
• Can help to identify accommodations
• Reinforce job role/responsibilities as identified by supervisor
• Promote good communication

What it isn’t

• An extra staff – job coach is there to support person, not the business
• Change the role/position
• Change structure of company/employer
• Unnecessary support – these are voluntary services

How to succeed

• Good communication with Employment Specialist and employee
• Clear delineation of roles/tasks of different people
• Clear expectations of tasks to be completed by the job seeker/employee
• Foster independence for employee

Learn more about our Employment Services

For more information, please contact Marcus Skallman at 952-564-4258 or [email protected].
Click here to make a referral.