Meal Delivery Services: Helping People Try New Vegetables

“I love brussel sprouts! They are like mini salads.” It’s not often you hear someone say they love brussel sprouts let alone with a giant smile on their face. Kristen recently tried her first ever brussel sprout thanks to Magic Meals. Magic Meals is a nationwide, nutritious, meal delivery service that provides fresh, frozen meals weekly to subscribers.
What led Kristen to try this meal service and new vegetables? It all started with a doctor’s recommendation and a persistent Reach Community Living Specialist named Hailey. Like us all, Kristen is a creature of habit when it comes to preparing dinner, but recently a doctor recommended introducing new foods and vegetables into her diet. Hailey, who’s been working with Kristen for years, came up with a creative, yummy and convenient idea on how to make this happen. With her knowledge of the different services available through a waiver, Hailey knew Kristen could qualify to receive a meal delivery service if she was on a waiver.
Before Kristen could qualify for this service, Hailey had to first move Kristen off DD SILS (a county funded service) and onto a waiver, which Hailey thought she would qualify for. Over a couple of weeks, many phone calls/emails and lots of paperwork, Kristen qualified for a traditional waiver. Working with a case manager, Kristen was able to setup a meal delivery service that would be covered by her waiver.
Kristen and Hailey then looked through the variety of meal delivery services that were available, making sure to choose one that was not only yummy and convenient but also healthy. The right fit for Kristen was Magic Meals. Kristen said the first time when the box showed up at her apartment “It looked like a mummy. It was such a big box!” Each week, Kristen orders the meals she would like to receive using the website or the app. Then a few days later a box arrives that contains Kristen’s dinner meals for the week including a few treats. So far, Kristen has two favorite meals: fish, macaroni & brussel sprouts and the Mexican hamburger because it tastes like it’s from Applebee’s. In addition to her favorite meals, Kristen has gotten to try squash, broccoli, cooked carrots, green beans and cauliflower. The only one she hasn’t liked so far is spinach. “It makes me gag. I usually slip it clean off the plate.”
For anyone on a traditional waiver looking to try a meal delivery service, Kristen recommends Magic Meals. “They’re good! I think I’ll stick with them. It saves money in my pocket and I don’t need to go to the grocery store as much with Hailey.” Plus, the meals make it convenient for Kristen to prepare after work and provide her with a balanced diet.
Are there different meal delivery services covered under a traditional waiver? Absolutely! Hailey is currently working with other people Reach supports in setting up and trying a meal delivery service. Her recommendation, “Try a variety of services to find the one that fits best. And meal delivery services might not be for everyone.” To learn more about traditional waivers and what services are covered, please visit: